Working with Your Lawyer

July 2022

Knowing how to best work with condo lawyers can keep legal costs down and reduce other expenses.




Have contracts over $15,000 reviewed

Have large contracts reviewed prior to signing

A legal review can protect the corporation from contractor mistakes or problems that occur during the life of a contract or agreement.  The cost of a review prior to signing is considerably less than legal cost of enforcement should something go wrong.

Request cost estimates

Ask for cost estimates

Prior to asking a condo lawyer to undertake work, ask for a cost estimate.  Hourly rates offer no indication of cost without an estimate of total hours or commitment to a maximum cost.  Once an estimated cost is known, corporations can ensure funds are in the budget before proceeding.

Organize to control costs

Minimize the amount of billable time

Most lawyers charge by time.  Prior to speaking with your lawyer draw up a list of questions to be asked.  This minimizes the number of follow-up calls.  When having a lawyer attend a meeting, have it organized so the lawyer is present only as long as necessary.  Schedule agenda items so the lawyer’s portion is first, and allow them to leave when finished.  These strategies minimize the amount of billable time.

Control e-mail flow

E-mail can be more expensive than the telephone

When working with lawyers, e-mail can be more expensive than telephone calls.  Issues can be complex, require back and forth communication, and time consuming.  People talk and comprehend faster than they write, and decision making is easier.  A conversation can take less time, be more productive and more economical than drafting the numerous e-mails necessary to fully address an issue.