Window Pains

January 2024

Windows are a connection with the outside world allowing light, air, sound and warmth to pass through.  They provide protection against moisture, wind and extreme temperatures.

Building-wide window replacement projects are a rare opportunity to add value to the appearance and performance of your home.  This refers to not only the glass but also frames which are designed to accommodate standard window glass or higher-quality sealed double-glazed insulating glass.

Poor performing windows are an issue in most 25+ year old buildings.  Costing millions of dollars for the standard high-rise building, replacing the window system is likely the largest single expenditure for most condominium communities.  Saving for this requires decades of setting aside sufficient funds in the reserve fund if a special assessment or loan is to be avoided.

Glass panes are usually replaced as part of normal maintenance.  The window replacement system refers to both glass panes and aluminum frames.

Individual windows can be replaced, and window systems repaired when problems are infrequent.  At some point, costs escalate to where window system replacement becomes financially preferable to isolated repairs.  Since it can take years for a condo board to decide building-wide window system replacement is preferable to individual window repairs, engage with a contractor and ensure sufficient funds are available, it is best to monitor the frequency and type of individual repairs being undertaken to know when and how fast window maintenance costs are increasing.

Undertaking a retrofit of window systems may be appropriate if the community is prepared to accept the original window frames for another 15 to 20 years.  Window system replacement can last 35 years or more while providing improvements on insulation, noise reduction, air flow and protection from the elements.

Signs that window glass or window systems are failing include:

  • Fogged windows due to failed seals
  • Water leaks from window frames or seals
  • Air leakage and drafts
  • High cost of repairs to maintain the windows and window systems
  • Poor window performance affecting comfort – units may become cold in the winter or extremely hot in the summer in spite of heating and cooling systems