Virtual Meetings to Discontinue after September 30, 2022

September 2022

A temporary provision permitting condominium corporations to hold virtual annual general and other meetings, electronic voting and the sending of electronic notices expires September 30, 2022.

Condo corporations with a virtual meeting and electronic voting bylaw can continue holding meetings virtually and allow electronic/telephonic voting after this date.  Approving the by-law requires a meeting that achieves quorum – 25 percent of the voting units – and more than 50 percent support.

Unless this temporary provision is extended or made permanent, all notices sent to owners for meetings can only be sent electronically after September 30, 2022, if they have consented to receive notices that way.

The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services has not communicated if this deadline will be extended or more permanent changes implemented under the Condo Act to eliminate the by-law requirement.

To assist anyone wanting to get the virtual meeting and electronic voting by-law in place, CondoVoter is hosting complimentary By-Law meetings entirely administered and moderated to help ensure you can continue with these services.  In addition, they are also offering a separate complimentary e-mail campaign for the collection of consents/agreements from owners to send electronic notices.  This is complimentary until September 30th, 2022.  Contact CondoVoter today at for more information or to book your by-law meeting or e-mail consent campaign.