Separation of Duties – Condominium Manager, Board and Staff

December 2021

There can be confusion about the three levels of responsibility in managing a condominium community.  A community works best when each level focuses on their strengths and duties.


Condo Board

The role of the condo board and its elected directors is to govern.  It sets policies, reviews options, renders decisions, oversees implementation of decisions and seeks out cost savings.  Directors serving on the condo board have a fiduciary obligation to the corporation and its owners.

An effective board is rarely unanimous in its decisions.  After discussion and a vote, good board members set aside personal views and support the group decision.

Communications are controlled by the board.  They determine the combination of newsletters, notices and meetings used to communicate with residents, and content of these communications.  A great board gives credit to its management and staff for the work they do on behalf of the corporation.

Condominium Management

Management in the form of a condominium manager is employed to manage the day-to-day operations as an agent of the corporation with or without the support of a management company.  Management provides options for the board to consider including sourcing of vendors and obtaining quotes for necessary work.  Once the board has made a decision management is tasked with its implementation.

The precise role and duties of management are defined by the board.


Staff is employees, contractors, vendors and service providers employed by condominium management for day-to-day operations of the corporation.  Decisions of the board are implemented by staff, condominium management or both.