October 2018
Toronto Condo News received comments on Condominium Authority of Ontario Year One Report Card.
“I generally agree with your ‘grade’ for the CAO but would point out that the design of the Forms is NOT their responsibility. The Forms are official government ones designed by the Ministry of Government and Community Services. The original release of Forms – both their content/layout and how one could access them – was, without doubt, terrible. Though some changes and improvements have been made there are still many that need to be done. As the CAO (while an arms-length government body) is paid for by condominium owners it would have been good if they had taken the lead (or even participated) in the efforts to get the forms clarified and improved. I would give the initial form design and release an “F” and give the CAO a grade of “Absent” on their involvement.”
David Crawford
Condominium Director
Editor’s Comment: The author states CAO is an “arms-length government body” but not operating at arms-length with the government. This assertion, apparently correct, suggests CAO may have a different relationship with government than is generally understood.