Mixed use condo buildings have proven to be a desirable combination.
Commercial spaces in a residential condo building are intended for businesses. These spaces may be limited to the main or first few floors of a condo building. They are not part of the condo corporation which may have no authority over them.
Some commercial tenants are better than others in a condo building. In some areas a major retailer such as a supermarket or LCBO may be viewed as desirable. For other areas it may be a fitness centre, convenience store or restaurant that is most desirable. Each comes with their particular benefits and drawbacks.
Young adults may prefer trendy clubs, healthy fast casual restaurants and clothing stores. Young families may be more likely to appreciate coffee shops or shopping and activity programming for children. Mature adults may be more interested in luxury and convenience.
Each form of commercial use can have its drawbacks. Restaurants may generate undesirable odours. Clubs and bars may be frequented by noisy patrons, particularly during the evening hours. Supermarkets may generate considerable traffic and require substantial parking. Food based businesses may require enhanced ventilation and air conditioning and can create noise or odour problems for a residential condo building. Commercial properties dealing with pets may be a particularly difficult challenge for condo residents forced to deal with unique odour and noise problems.
Ideal commercial tenants are those that don’t make noise or generate odours, do not attract vermin and have limited foot traffic.
Developing a harmonious relationship between condo residents and commercial tenants may require compromises. Noisy establishments and those creating strong odours may have unique construction requirements to mitigate residential concerns. Hours of operation and other limits may be necessary.
For most condo buildings, a good mix of commercial and residential properties is beneficial to both parties. Condo residents value convenience and easy access to desirable services such as a bistro, supermarket or exercise club. Commercial tenants appreciate a high profile location and easy access to a nearby market for their products or services.