Increase in Requisition Meetings

June 2024

There seems to be an increase in requisition meetings over the past two years.  Prior to the pandemic, few had heard of a requisition meeting and fewer understood the process.

Requisition meetings suggest that a condo board has lost the confidence of those who elected them.

The right to requisition a meeting and process for doing this has not changed for more than 20 years.  What has changed is that condo owner rights have become better understood. Toronto Condo News has made condominium owners more aware of their rights including calling a requisition meeting.  Google has made this information more easily obtained.

Owners frustrated with little to no useful information from their board or management have had enough.  Many have elected directors that fail to ensure owners are adequately informed about what is occurring in their home.  These owners may have purchased a condominium thinking there would be social activities and new friends, only to find themselves isolated and not knowing their neighbours.

Meeting minutes, the only required vehicle for informing of board activities, are intentionally composed to obfuscate.  Virtual annual general meetings have removed yet another outlet for voicing concerns and hearing from their board.  Communities may be hit with higher monthly condo fees and special assessments because prior boards have been ineffective or worse.  While owners have little or no control over board activities, a requisition meeting is one of the few ways they can voice dissatisfaction.

Weak condominium managers contribute to the problem when they provide confusing or no communication, and fail to respond appropriately to service requests and concerns.

Neither the condo board or management has an obligation to be effective in their communications to residents.  Yet, they fail at this task to their peril.  Increasingly, condo owners frustrated with what they perceive to be poor management push for change.

Good governance requires good communication.  The best managed communities have established ongoing communications in the form of a newsletter, town hall meetings and e-mail systems.  They rely on various tools to educate and inform residents and owners.  Investments in improving communications ensure all resident-initiated  contacts receive proper follow up, and allow management to be more responsive to resident concerns.  There is an understanding that condo residents need to be educated on their rights and informed of what is occurring in their community.

Interest in requisition meetings is unlikely to decline in communities where condo boards and management fail to address the underlying reasons and concerns.