How Much Technology do we Need – It turns out to be a lot!

July 2023

The growth in high-rise buildings has created a need for better technology.  There is no way a single manager can deal with the volumes of work, record keeping and communications without assistance.  The choice is to enhance supporting technology, or employ more people while being accepting of mistakes, delays and problems.

In the office, condo management software allows one manager to handle what would otherwise require more people.  It no longer makes sense to maintain paper records and lists which require constant updating.  Accounting software simplifies collection of condo fees, receipt of invoices and making payments.  Uniquely, UpperBee Software integrates the accounting and condo management functions in a single application.

Building systems designed for keeping the air clean, safe and at a comfortable temperature are increasingly complex.  The sun-facing side of a building requires more assistance to cool it down during warmer months while the other side requires more warmth during colder months.  Climate change is making it harder to maintain a constant temperature throughout a building.  Systems used for this purpose change as outside weather gets warmer, cooler, windier and wetter.  Constant monitoring of the various systems and tweaking of mechanical adjustments can be a full-time job.  Building Automation Software (BAS) simplifies this with assistance from what has become known as artificial intelligence technology.  The BAS monitors all equipment and systems used to keep air clean and comfortable.  Building management relying on BAS learn to navigate a system dashboard to ensure everything is operating as it should.  They contact a specialist when the BAS is unable to function as expected or when adjustments are necessary.

Astronomical growth in package deliveries makes it impossible for a building to function without additional staffing were it not for technology.  Condo management software and apps allow building management or concierge to scan delivered packages with a smartphone.  Recipients automatically receive e-mail notification.  Packages are logged and retrieved faster thus reducing volumes in a lobby or package storage area.  Automated parcel lockers allow deliveries without requiring effort by building management or concierge.

Task specific technologies for electric vehicle charging and electronic voting continue to evolve.  Each year there are improvements and they are embraced by more high-rise communities.

While the demands of high-rise residential building management increase in complexity and volume, technology allows it to remain manageable for those that embrace new technologies.