January 2024
Investing the time to communicate effectively provides tangible savings and benefits that are difficult to quantify.
Maintain a library of information periodically requested by owners. This includes corporation declaration, by-laws and rules; unit floor plans; meeting minutes; instructions and forms for reserving the elevator, party room or other spaces; and financial records. Managers will spend less time dealing with repetitive issues, requests for information, and questions. Their days will be more productive, and less encumbered by phone calls and e-mail.
Educate owners about energy efficiency, waste management, rules and being neighbourly. Remind them that images from security cameras monitoring common areas and identifying those failing to abide by rules will be used for enforcement. There will be fewer problems for management to deal with, lower energy costs and a cleaner home.
Board meetings are shorter when owners are better informed, understand the rules of their home, and cause fewer items to be placed on the agenda.
Directors and management have fewer owners complaining about practices, rules, policies and enforcement when they are better informed. Building staff are less likely to be harassed by frustrated or difficult residents.
Better educated communities spend less on electricity, water and cleaning. They become more aware of how individual actions cost the corporation. Of course, security cameras in common areas that identify those who cause damage or create extra work help to keep everyone honest.
An educated community has fewer problems. Their home is better maintained when everyone is working toward the same result. Financial savings can be redirected to improving the home instead of dealing with problems.