Four Levels of Communication between Condominium Management and Owners

July 2014

Responsibility for the frequency, type, volume and tone of communication resides with the Condo Board.

Required Communication

Certain communications are mandated by the Condo Act. That is, information pertaining to the Annual General Meeting and elections to the Board of Directors. If this is the only communication provided to condo owners and residents, problems or conflict are more likely to crop up. Mandated meetings, such as the Annual General Meeting, are more likely to be colourful affairs where grievances are presented and debated, and frustrations overflow.


Most communications likely relate to daily operations and service repairs. This may include garage or window cleaning, fire alarm testing, temporary water shut off,
elevator issues and routine building maintenance.


Educational communication is where good condominium management and boards stand out. These communications are not required but can be important in maintaining property value, minimizing legal risk and keeping condo fees low. Informing residents of security issues, what to place in the trash chute or recycling bins, maintaining proper insurance and in-unit maintenance concerns – for which the resident or owner is generally responsible – all help keep condo fees down. Informing residents what it costs to repair a damaged elevator or the fee for a false fire alarm help make residents aware of how their money is spent. It also helps to prevent abuses of the infrastructure. These communications are consistent with overall fiscal responsibility.


Social communications help instill a sense of community. Events celebrating birthdays or other celebrations, regular or periodic social gatherings – movie night, billiards, card games, etc. – and thanking those who contribute to the upkeep of the building are some useful social communications.