Dangerous Dog Registry

June 2024

A Toronto condo resident has been charged with criminal negligence causing bodily harm, failing to muzzle a dangerous dog, and allowing it to run free.  She and her partner have a history of failing to ignore dog control officers while allowing their dogs to scare and injure neighbours.

There has been an increase in dogs attacking and biting people and other dogs.  The problem is irresponsible dog owners who fail to care about the conduct of their pet.  In response, Toronto city council is making it easier for people to get more information about dangerous dogs in the city.

More than 60 percent of high-rise residents own a pet according to available data, accounting for more than 30 percent of a building’s population.

The city has approved a new dangerous dog registry with information about dog attacks to include the dog’s name, picture, breed, how severe the bite was and the first three digits of the postal code where it resides.  A sign warning of a dangerous dog must be posted where it resides.  The owner’s name or address will not be listed.

Existing rules regarding dangerous dogs make dog owners responsible if their dog attacks someone — even criminally if the attack is serious enough.  Animals may be seized and assessed by Animal Services.  Dogs under a dangerous dog order must be licensed, be on a leash and muzzled when out of their home.  Owners may be required to obtain additional training on how to handle their dog.

As of March 2024, 450 dogs were under dangerous dog orders in the city, 15 of which were responsible for serious attacks.  German shepherds and American bulldogs are most frequently listed in the database followed by Labrador retrievers, Rottweilers, Boxers, Mastiffs and Cane Corsos.

Owners not in compliance with a dangerous dog order could face a fine of up to $615.  A court issued fine could rise to $100,000 upon conviction.

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