Condo Owner and Board Responsibilities

October 2013

A Good Condo Owner …

  1. Follows condo rules. These are intended so that a large group of diverse individuals can live together in a single building with a minimum of conflict.
  2. Approaches the Management Office when a conflict arises or when rules are being ignored. By working through the Management Office, enforcement of rules and sorting out conflicts is less contentious. This approach is less likely to result in animosity between neighbours.
  3. Is informed. Attend information meetings, vote in elections and provide input. Tell the board and management what you like and dislike. Unless you speak out about what works well and what requires improvement, your board will be making decisions without your input.

A Good Condo Board …

  1. Is comprised of individuals who do not have a personal agenda.
  2. Communicates with owners and residents on a regular basis, explains its decisions, openly discusses problems and concerns, has a policy of transparency and is truthful. Postings on bulletin boards (physical and electronic) accessible to all residents are important. Information meetings may take place as deemed necessary.
  3. Addresses residents’ legitimate complaints/concerns/requests and respects useful suggestions.
  4. Follows and enforces condo rules consistently and for everyone.
  5. Exercises due diligence when dealing with condo business. Seek tenders when appropriate and advice from non-interested parties to avoid conflicts of interest. Always search for a better and less expensive solution than what may be suggested by contractors.
  6. Does its best to ensure that the premises are well maintained and that staff are doing what is expected of them.