CAO Forms – Better Communication, Fewer Disputes

May 2018

One of the stated aims of the New Condo Act and Condominium Authority of Ontario (CAO) is to improve communication between management and residents.  This is done by mandating types of communications according to specified timelines.  Mandatory forms are used to ensure the right information is communicated in a standard format.  Forms provided by the CAO, which must be used, are required to ensure the right information is provided to the proper party in a timely manner.

Improved communication between condo residents and management are expected to lead to fewer problems, complaints and disputes.

These forms cover three categories of communications.  Information is provided to owners in the form of Information Certificates multiple times a year. Records of the corporation are provided to and requested by owners. Meeting notices, materials and proxy forms comprise a final grouping of forms.

All mandatory forms are provided by the Condominium Authority of Ontario (CAO) to aid in complying with Condo Act requirements and communications within a condo community.  These forms are to be used by condo owners and management when providing or requesting information.

Use of forms is mandatory as of November 1, 2017.

Information Certificates

Records of the Corporation

Meetings and Voting

  1. Forms  are intended for use with Adobe Reader 10 or later.
  2. Attempting to open forms in your browser is not recommended and can produce unintended results.  Save forms to your desktop prior to viewing them.

These communications are the minimum legal requirement for condo corporations.  Proactive condo corporations generally provide more information with greater frequency.