Running to Serve as a Director – Letter to the Editor

October 2024

I am running for a director position on our board from a floor nomination.  Is it legal to solicit proxy votes prior to being nominated from the floor and to be the proxy for the proxy giver?

R. W.



Response from Toronto Condo News

You are to be commended on your decision to run for a director position on your condo board.

The short answer is – Yes, it is legal to solicit proxy votes prior to being nominated from the floor and to be the proxy for the proxy giver.

Many condo elections are determined prior to the annual general meeting (AGM).  The manner in which this plays out depends on how voting is conducted and practices in your community.  When electronic voting is allowed, proxies may be irrelevant.  Being nominated from the floor at the meeting puts you at a distinct disadvantage against those who declared their candidacy earlier.

It is better to be a declared candidate so that your information is provided to owners in advance as part of the AGM package.  When the AGM package is distributed, your name appears on the Proxy Form distributed to owners.  If there is a candidate meeting, you can participate in this gathering of owners to express your interests and intentions.

In the Condo Archives, see Condo Boards, Communications & Community – Meetings & Elections for information on condo elections.

Best of luck in your efforts.