Hiring a Winter Maintenance Company

October 2024

Keeping a property clear of snow and ice, and ensuring safe access is a big job.

Hiring a qualified and capable contractor simplifies the work, improves safety and reduces problems.

Determine your requirements

Comprehensive coverage includes clearing snow and ice from parking areas, driveways, walkways, landings, entrances and steps.  It covers where snow is to be piled and working around known obstacles.

  • How quickly do you want clearing after snow stops falling?
  • Is your expectation that snow be cleared to bare pavement?
  • Is service required while snow continues to fall?
  • Will snow and ice be physically removed from the premises?

Answering these questions in advance will help determine if you require a full-service company for winter maintenance or if a part-time individual without backup equipment or staffing will be sufficient.

The Greater Toronto Area typically receives light snowfalls between one and five centimeters of accumulation.  While these lighter accumulations may not require clearing, it can sill be necessary to service and salt after as little as one centimeter of snow.

Some companies stipulate what they consider a serviceable snowfall.  Some may only show up after a certain amount of snow, perhaps one centimeter or more, has fallen but not to deal with ice accumulation.  They may not arrive with a snow plow unless five centimeters (two inches) of snow has fallen.  The Greater Toronto Area typically receives light snowfalls between one and five centimeters of accumulation.  While these lighter accumulations may not require clearing, it can sill be necessary to service and salt after as little as one centimeter of snow.

Full-service winter maintenance companies will monitor and forecast snowfall and inclement weather, and prepare for it.  They will have staff and equipment ready to service you more quickly.

Ask about insurance

Slip and fall accidents, and their costs, can’t be anticipated so liability coverage is important.  Look for a minimum of $5,000,000 in liability insurance.

With fewer insurers prepared to write policies for contractors engaged in snow removal, some companies may be providing snow removal services without insurance coverage for accidents.  Without this coverage, condominium corporations can become responsible for accidents or injuries arising from snow removal activities or failures.

Sign a contract

A contract tells you what to expect.  It should detail what work will be undertaken, service times, level of service, and their weather measurement and monitoring criteria.  It should tell you how long after snowfalls that work will be done, how many centimeters of snow accumulation is necessary before they will do the work, and what is done when there are blizzards, ice storms and freezing rain.  Any pay-per-visit and supply fees should be stated.  All inclusive fixed-rate packages that guarantee unlimited service in all types of weather offer the most comprehensive service.

Pricing is important

We always want to save money but not at the expense of safety.  Trusting the lowest bidder without understanding why they charge less can lead to disappointment, frustration and unhappy owners.

While flat-rate pricing may appear more expensive, it often ends up more economical and includes all site visits covered under the contract.  Any extra deicing, multiple visits during a single snowfall, clearing of windrows or blowing snow, or touch-ups should all be covered under a flat rate price.