Newsletters and Meeting Minutes – Letter to the Editor

August 2024

I was elected to the Board on a platform of transparency.  Currently the only modes of community communications are a newsletter twice annually and a website used to post minutes.  The Property Manager sends e-mail blasts about to-do’s and new rules but there is no form of community engagement.  The manager is recommending that we no longer post board minutes because of the issues outlined in your June 2022 article.

How can we become more transparent?  What I hear from residents is that they don’t know what’s going on.

N. L.

Response from Toronto Condo News

Congratulations on your election to the board.  Focusing on transparency in your community is commendable.  It is our belief that this approach offers many benefits.

We do not support the view that board minutes should not be posted.  Restricting access to meeting minutes is a secretive approach to governance and communication that serves no practical purpose.  If your property manager got the impression that meeting minutes should not be posted from one of our articles, I would appreciate your sharing with me the specific article that leads to this opinion.  We have published many articles supporting the importance of taking proper meeting minutes and making them available to owners.

As for a newsletter, a quarterly or more frequent publication by owners or the board (not management) is common.  It allows the board to communicate with owners, share plans and identify concerns.  When prepared by owners, it enhances community engagement and allows owners to “speak” to the board in a less formal and non-confrontational manner.

Consider a quarterly town hall meeting where owners can engage with one or more board members.  The board can share information with owners.  Owners can ask questions and articulate concerns.  Combine this with an after-meeting gathering allowing owners to socialize.  Include snacks and beverages.

Committees can be a great way to improve community and extend effectiveness of the board. Committees in Condo Communities, Condo Committees – An extension of the Condo Board and Establishing Condo Committees are just a few of the articles we have published about committees.  All can be found in the Condo Archives,

Transparency comes in many forms.  While a condo board has no obligation to be transparent or communicate with owners, failing to do so leads to many undesirable outcomes.

Good luck in your efforts.