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October 2024 - Toronto Condo News
  • Actionable Financial Statements – Make poorly presented financial statements more useful and easier to understand so they can be utilized, rather than forgotten, throughout the year
  • Effective and Efficient Meetings - It is in everyone’s interest that board meetings not be overly long or degenerate into arguments, disputes and personal attacks
  • Hiring a Winter Maintenance Company
  • Under Elevated


  • “Last month was the first time we advertised in Toronto Condo News. We received our first call days after the ad appeared. Advertising in Toronto Condo News delivers results for us!”

    Condominium Insurance Solutions

  • “I specifically asked the property manager how he had located us and he said in the new online edition of Toronto Condo News. We have spent so much on advertising in the past, never to receive such a quick response. We appreciate how efficiently and diligently you worked with us to ensure our placement and […]

    ADM Design Incorporated

  • “LEaC Shield has found Toronto Condo News to be a proven way to reach new customers and educate existing clients.  The number of new customers we have obtained has exceeded our expectations!”

    James Lorenzen, President
    LEaC Shield Limited

More than 50% of torontonians choose condominiums over other forms of housing

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