Six Steps to Condo Elections and the AGM

April 2018

Condo elections and the Annual General Meeting (AGM) are a time to plan for success.

People are unlikely to attend a boring meeting.  Nor will they consider election of directors to be of great importance if the event is not well planned, presented and communicated.  Poor attendance for meetings and elections tends to be the result of disappointment with past meetings.

So if you want to improve attendance and convey the importance of elections for directors, it is up to current directors and management to be on the ball.

Review bylaws

Ensure familiarity with requirements for election of directors.  Some positions may have certain restrictions.  Understand what qualifies or disqualifies an individual from running for a position.  Be clear on how candidates can be nominated.


Ask residents and owners to consider running for positions expiring at the Annual General Meeting.  Notifications should identify what qualifications are required or desired.  A general explanation of time commitment and possible responsibilities can be included.

Candidate Review

For each individual running for a director position, confirm they satisfy bylaw requirements.  Those with a criminal record may be ineligible.  Some director positions may be limited to owners.  Eligible candidates should be asked for a short biography to be distributed to owners prior to the AGM and election.

Notice, Proxy & Meeting Package

Comply with legal notices for the AGM and election of directors.  Include all documents you wish to distribute to owners.  For online voting, instructions should be included.  Provide a Proxy Form in your Meeting Package listing candidates for election in alphabetical order.


AGMs can be boring which is why turnout can be poor.

  • Keep the official meeting brief and on time
  • Dedicate time to discuss topics of interest to owners
  • Incorporate a social period after the meeting including food and beverage


It is in everyone’s interest to encourage a strong turnout so the meeting does not have to be rescheduled.  Be sure to utilize all available communication channels to promote the meeting.  Communications should promote agenda items that will entice residents to attend.

Strong voter turnout provides your elected board with greater authority to make difficult decisions that may come up during their term.